Qualities, mastery balance
The 8th body, the pranic body, carries the subtle spark of life energy, is carried on the breath and is our living connection to the Infinite.
Qualities: Purity, energy, fearlessness, self-initiation, balance of polarities
Key phrase: “Finite to Infinite”
Mastery: Fearless, fully alive, at one with all creation; unshakable; vigorously self-motivated to achieve goals; fully integrated female and male aspects of self.
If weak: constant low-level anxiety and fatigue; looks too much to food or stimulants for energy; fearful, defensive, imbalanced, blaming
Key to Balancing: all pranayam, vigorous exercise, martial arts
Affirmation: I am that I am
Today we are in the right lung meridian, and just past the hepatic bend in the colon. The lungs can hold the emotions of grief or elation! The first thing we do when we enter the world is take in breath, and the last thing we will do is let go of breath. We are doing this every moment of every day! Taking in breath and letting it go.
For some of us, taking in the first breath was traumatic. After coming through the birth canal and whatever traumas and feelings were being experienced for the mother and child, the first breath can be equally traumatic, painful and shocking. First, we breathe, then we cry. This isn’t necessarily the case for all, since we are becoming more aware of delivering children in a more peaceful and calmer environment -- without the stark lights and an uncaring hospital staff. Nowadays, some children are even being delivered through water births, which gives the child more time to get acclimated to its new environment. We were immersed in the water of the womb, warm and held by the mother, and then we traveled through the birth canal being crushed and pushed out of the reverie of being a spirit held in the dark void of the mother. Into the breath of light and life! It can be quite a traumatic experience for a newly incarnating soul.
Some of us remember the process from other lifetimes, or from rebirthing healing practices. The practice of breathwork rebirthing can help us to go back to the time when we came through the mother into the world and remember our experiences there. Because the breath and light were so starkly contrasting from the dark and fluid nature of the womb, we cry out, and that cry is an echo through our own eternity.
For this reason, a lot of people never take full breaths, or are even aware of breathing. The body is so amazing because it breathes for us, but when we become aware of breath our whole life changes, because we are aware of life going in and life going out. If you have ever practiced breath work, you will know that letting go of the breath is just as important as taking it in. The more we can let go in life the more life enters us! This is a fact, and you can practice this yourself by being aware of letting all the breath out, and you will see that the more you let all the breath go, the more breath you will be able to take in the next inhale. We have been doing this all along, taking in breath and letting it go, though maybe in a shallow way. Some of us take the breath in but do not let it go, holding on as much as we can and some of us don’t take deep breaths but feel the exhaust of letting go. Try it for yourself and see, start being aware of your breath and you will know life! We can rebirth ourselves in every moment through the breath.
We have 5 other chakras around our body, as well as many minor chakras in the feet, calves, hands and arms, as well as under our feet. These chakras are directly related with our auric, pranic and causal bodies.
The 8th chakra is your connection to your conscious oversoul. When we are in the 8th chakra, then we are in the body and yet beyond it at the same time. We can come and go from body consciousness at will. We are no longer ruled by the lower primal desires. That is not to say that we do not have desires of a primal nature, but we are not ruled by them because our oversoul is guiding the course of our actions with full awareness. We are intuitive and integral and act from a place of transcendent knowing. We are also very much in service to the “all in all,” because we have learned to meet our own needs and ultimately, we find that we need to serve, wholeheartedly. When we have realized our soul and returned home to source, the only thing left to do is to serve others in this knowing. How you choose to serve is personal, and no one can tell you how to do that because it comes from your own authentic knowing of yourself and a heart that is overflowing with love.
Innocence is a totally different phenomenon. It has nothing to do with knowledge and nothing to do with ignorance either. It is a state of total freedom – from ignorance and knowledge both. It is a state of wonder. It is a very positive state of tremendous awe. When you are full of wonder and awe; when your heart starts throbbing with each beautiful moment that passes by – with the roses, with the marigolds, with the lotuses, with the stars, with the sun, with the moon, with people, with rivers, mountains; when you can experience and feel the mystery of life; when you are so sensitive, so vulnerable, so open that the miraculous can penetrate to the very core of your being, then you are innocent.
Can I stop and take a deep breath taking it all the way in and pause, and then let it all go and pause? What happens to me when I do this several times a day? AM I calmer, more at ease?
Remember the lungs are the wings to the heart, let your heart take flight through the breath.
Emotional body healing: Finite vs. infinite
Key question: Will I allow myself to love fearlessly?
Prana is the energy that comes in through the breath. When we are breathless, we are finite, only having a limited amount of energy. When we are breathing, we are infinite and have an infinite amount of energy. When we are not breathing deeply and taking life in fully, we feel tired, lack, scarcity and when we are breathing and taking life in fully, we feel fearless and infinite, even immortal! Our breath links us to the infinite field of energy that has no beginning and no end. No Breath, no life, know breath, know life!
We live in a world of polarity that is the nature of the third density, but through the breath and pranic body, it all just becomes contrast. Polarity is separation and duality, whereas contrast is unified in the field of connection and our awareness of it. Fourth density consciousness takes the polarity of the third density and marries the poles, north and south, east and west, upper and lower, male and female, in and out as contrasts. We all have both male and female characteristics within us, some more female some more male, the balance comes from marrying the two within you.
Look at your relationships and all the roles others have played for you in the play of life. What characteristics did you like and claim as your own, and which ones did you deny and claim as others? Remember everyone here is doing this same work, within. Prana is the flowing of life that we ALLOW, and lack of prana is where we are not allowing life to flow, in and out, up and down, all the way through. When we deny life, we resist the pranic flow of the current, the now.
How much prana can I allow to move and express through me?
Can I feel the infinity that I AM?
How much can I allow the breath to breathe me?
Here is a song we love to sing:
I am the light of the soul, I am beautiful, I am bountiful
I am bliss, I am, I am
I am the light of the soul, I am beautiful, I am bountiful
I am bliss, I am, I am
Try singing this song to yourself and see how you feel!